Wanna buy Kiko? Fork up $50K!

Just reading up on my blogroll over the weekend I came up on this surprise one.

Kiko.com’s web2.0 calendar website, software and domain are up for grabs on eBay.

you’ve got $49,000 and are willing to spend it on another web2.0
startup that got trampled under the now almighty (or so it seems)
Google’s two left feet, that is.

Originally from Dharmesh Shah’s OnStartups as well as a rediscovery by Manoj Ranaweera’s Blog.

The auction ends on 26th August, and there’s only one bidder until now.

Rush now.

While the website still stands. :)

Or better, yet, make sure that you start off with a revenue model (OMG! What’s that?) and a method of self-sustenance until your revenue model actually gets off the ground.

And like every VC/CEO/Marketer/Business blogger will tell you: Don’t quit your day job, until you have a sure source of revenue from your startup.

Good, Hard lessons to be learnt in all this. And it’s a pity that Kiko has to resort to this self-humiliating way of going bust.

P.S.: Funny how the Kiko site doesn’t really say anything about selling out either.