Did you know ?

Shift happens. That’s the answer to the did-you-know question. Found this video on youtube in my web journey today, but it was too low quality for my liking. So some more googling, and browsing later, found the blog of Karl Fisch, he created the original presentation for teaching staff how to cope with changing times that inspired so many remixes and views.

The blog post that talked about Sony / BMG approaching him for permission to create the video (that, in the end, I found on youtube) also linked to a higher quality .mp4 version of it, so I couldn’t resist downloading it and re-uploading it to blip.tv, which I find churns out much higher quality video than most of the other video sites. Wanted to do a review on that too, but that will have to wait for a later date – reviews take up a lot of time.

The Did you Know? / Shift Happens video presents unique facts about trends that can be seen about geographically distributed individuals and the Internet in general as well as astounding facts that I, at least, had no idea of.

Going through Karl Fisch’s blog also led me to watch this video, titled “Rise of the Rest” which is supposedly inspired by the Did you Know video, which is quite amazing as well. This is available in higher quality on google video (as a download) – found that link on the futuregroup wordpress blog.

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